Discover Why NOW Is The Absolute Best Time To Flick The Switch on Anger …
Take a Free Anger Management Course to be Calmer, more Relaxed AND be More Fun to be Around!

Join Us! in the Free Anger Management Course starting 5th January 2021 – Absolutely Free
Live Video Training Course for Anger Management
Starting 5th Jan 2022
Learn how to deal with Anger Management Issues and fix them for good.
Discover What Emotionally Intelligent, Caring, Proactive Men & Women Are Doing Right Now To Defuse Their Anger and Become The Best Version of Themselves
Hey – I get you – because I have lived most of my life being uptight, impatient, frustrated and ready to blow a gasket. But if you are concerned that there is something wrong with you – on the inside – then this is only making the problem worse.
I know how it feels to be constantly on edge, worried about what others will say or think. I know how it feels to try to hide these feelings on the inside, while on the outside we try to act confident and self-assured.
Are you worried about the next time you are going to blow your stack at someone (or something) ? But you never quite know when it will happen, or how bad it will go off ?
I know how frustrating it is when things just don’t go right. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get ahead, while others just seem to cruise through life.
I know how it feels to have one of those complete melt downs, explosions, dummy spits, or whatever else you want to call it. Funny how we try to make a joke out of it, but after it happens, it just isn’t funny, is it?
There is nothing worse than a tantrum in front of our partner or our kids or even at work… And afterwards, the cycle of shame, blame and guilt just starts building up all over again…
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Imagine if you could take a Free Anger Management Course to stop the cycle.
Flick the Switch.
Stop the Rage.
Imagine waking up and feeling better each day. No more blame or shame.
No more worry about losing it in front of your family, ever.
That’s exactly what we’re going to do on the Free Anger Management Course.
By the end of the Challenge, you will know how to:
Control your anger and stop being a ticking timebomb
Repair damaged relationships
Recognize stress and stop it building up
Deal with your emotions
Stop blaming others and stop blaming ourselves
Feel better each and every day!
With a few simple techniques, I can show you how to turn your anger into excitement.
I can prove to you that there is nothing wrong with you, and you never have to worry about your short fuse.
Better still, the people around you will see the change in you – and love you for doing it!
Hit the button below and register while there are still some places available.
I look forward to hearing your good news story!
Talk soon,
You Want To Be On This Powerful and Transformational Anger Management Course… This is Your Opportunity to Turn Your Anger Into Excitement.
The Free Anger Management Course starts on Wednesday 5th Jan 2022 and contains all the information you need right now to Flick the Switch on Anger and be free from these overwhelming negative emotions that control your life.
YOUR HOST: Tony Matthews
“I just knew there had to be something I was missing”. After 30 years of marriage, a family of 3 boys and a thriving career, I felt I was busy and fulfilled, but something wasn’t right. It was always a fine line between being busy and being overwhelmed. And that quickly lead to feelings of frustration, impatience, anger and boil over. But why should the good people in my life suffer the bad emotions when things went wrong?
So, I sought help from my mentors at the Global Success Academy and found the answer! I am excited to share these techniques to help people overcome these same challenges in their lives, and I am not surprised by how fast it works!

YOUR HOST: Tony Matthews
“I just knew there had to be something I was missing”. After 30 years of marriage, a family of 3 boys and a thriving career, I felt I was busy and fulfilled, but something wasn’t right. It was always a fine line between being busy and being overwhelmed. And that quickly lead to feelings of frustration, impatience, anger and boil over. But why should the good people in my life suffer the bad emotions when things went wrong?
So, I sought help from my mentors at the Global Success Academy and found the answer! I am excited to share these techniques to help people overcome these same challenges in their lives, and I am not surprised by how fast it works!
He is a great listener, has a lot of experience and was very flexible in his approach with me. He helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses but also gave me some concrete tools to help better manage my feelings and control my emotions.
I’d recommend Tony to anyone willing to improve their personal and professional relationships.
I first started talking to Tony back in December of last year because I had an issue with cigarettes. I have had a couple of attempts to give them up and I felt pretty defeated and I wasn’t really sure where to go. A mate of mine was using his services to get off alcohol. He suggested that I should talk to him and see how I went.
The moment I picked up the phone and started talking to him I felt, this has got a good chance of working. Now, that’s not to say that the road hasn’t been easy.
We have unearthed many issues that I didn’t realise existed because I used to just bury them and just smoke when I was frustrated, not talk about stuff when I was frustrated and just go to the packet of cigarettes or lash out at people.
He’s worked out what my personality type is and how I act they way I do, why I think the way I do and how I can realise that as a person and try and be more aware of other people and also to try and understand myself and how I fit into people’s lives.
I really enjoy speaking to him each week because it gives us a time to talk about what’s been happening how I’ve been feeling about things and to allow me to think things through verbally in a way that I can understand it but also in a way that he can explain it and he’s very good adapting his explanations to different mindsets and different personalities that is what makes Tony so good at his job.